Narcissus Groupie

Share with your friends Narcissus Groupie Are you for real? When we built the quiz, we knew there might be some slightly redundant routes through it – this being one of them. So we hope for your sake that it’s the wrong answer. If it’s right though, while you hang out in the hot-tub/champagne on … Read More

Glowing Folly

Share with your friends Glowing Folly The way this quiz is set up allows for some unusual routes through. But let’s say you meant come this way. In that case, you don’t half know how to get those Good Feels, do you? Whatever good you make happen is a designed to cook up the good … Read More

Virtuous Friendly Samaritan

Share with your friends Virtuous Friendly Samaritan You wouldn’t walk on past a friend in need, because seeing loved ones in need is painful, and you’ll help them in the most practical way you can. In this often cruel world, who wouldn’t want to have you in their corner? We certainly would. Even though you … Read More

Virtuous Neighbourly Samaritan

Share with your friends Virtuous Neighbourly Samaritan You wouldn’t walk on past someone in need, because seeing those around you in need is painful, and you’ll help them in the most practical way you can. In this often cruel world, who wouldn’t want to have you in their corner? We certainly would. Even though you … Read More

Virtuous Cosmpolitan Samaritan

Share with your friends Virtuous Cosmpolitan Samaritan Just hearing about someone, anywhere in the world, being in need is painful to you. It makes you want to stop and help – and in the most practical way you can. It can be a cruel world, but your actions seek to save it. Even though you … Read More

Virtuous Cosmic Samaritan

Share with your friends Virtuous Cosmic Samaritan  Just hearing about animals, people, life in all its forms, anywhere in the universe, being in need is painful to you. It makes you want to stop and help – and in the most practical way you can. It can be a cruel world, but your actions seek … Read More

Virtuous Friendly Activist

Share with your friends Virtuous Friendly Activist With forethought and determination, setting the world of your nearest and dearest to rights is your aim. We’re with you – many of the systems we have to live within could do with sorting out.And who wouldn’t want to champion you as a friend, even though you aren’t … Read More

Virtuous Neighbourly Activist

Share with your friends Virtuous Neighbourly Activist With forethought and determination, setting the world of your community to rights is your aim. We’re with you – many of the systems we have to live within could do with sorting out. And who wouldn’t want to champion you as a fellow, even though you aren’t asking … Read More

Virtuous Cosmpolitan Activist

Share with your friends Virtuous Cosmpolitan Activist With forethought and determination, setting humanity to rights is your aim. We’re with you – many of the systems we have to live within could do with sorting out. Even though you aren’t asking for any recognition for your virtuous giving, we’re sure everyone in the world wants … Read More

Virtuous Cosmic Activist

Share with your friends Virtuous Cosmic Activist With forethought and determination, setting the world to rights is your aim. We’re with you – many of the systems we have to live within could do with sorting out. Even though you aren’t asking for any recognition for your virtuous giving, if you concentrate, you might feel … Read More